Sprout Therapy Services
Colorado Springs, CO



Language Disorders,
Articulation Disorders,
Social Skills,
Orofacial Myofunctional Disorders,
and more

Sprout Therapy Services serves Colorado Springs, CO with speech, language, articulation, fluency and social skills help. We also serve both kids and adults with Orofacial Myofunctional Disorders. Sprout was founded by Rikki DeGrove, MA CCC-SLP...Learn more .

Some of the other speech and language conditions we help with include: receptive expressive language delays, developmental delays, language learning disabilities, and communication.


a Speech Therapist

How long will my child need speech therapy

How long will my child need speech therapy

This is something many parents ask me during their child’s initial evaluation. Of course there is no single answer to this question, and parents should be wary of any professional “guaranteeing” results in a fixed amount of time. However, it is a reasonable question to ask, as therapy costs money and time, ...read more

How do I know if my child needs speech therapy

How do I know if my child needs speech therapy

“She'll grow out of it.”

“He's a boy; boys take longer to talk.”

“My nephew didn't talk 'til he was 3, and he's fine now!”

All children develop speech and language skills at their own pace, but when is it time to see a specialist? The answer depends on multiple factors, beginni ...read more

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